Does it Ever End? And Nanowrimo!

So I’ve been so busy I don’t know my arse from my elbow. My husband was in hospital (he’s fine now!), my daughter’s birthday party was Saturday… we had a hurricane (but not the worst of it here, sad for those who got that)… we’re repainting parts of our house…
And now I’m going away for a retreat for 3 days. I’m excited, but also having to pack and prepare for that, along with having my daughter out of school thanks to cyclone Sandy (hurricane, trop storm… they couldn’t seem to decide what to call this hybrid storm) has not been easy.

I was a “second runner up” for this, so I got lucky. I hope the person who was not able to go enjoys the time in another way.

I don’t know what it will be like there, but I’m pleased to have Guardian of the Abyss coming out soon.

And now for the REALLY big news! I’m doing Nanowrimo this year! I’ve wanted to do it for about 3 years, so now I finally am going to suck it up and knuckle down and really try to do it this year.  The book I’ll write will be within my other, as yet unintroduced universe, Inner Earth Chronicles.

So, here we go… writer’s retreat and nanowrimo!


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